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Quite definitely. All rulers are aware of possible assassination. It comes with the job.

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Q: Does Caesar seem aware that he is in great danger?
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Does Caesar seem to share calphurnia's fear?


What disease did Julius Caesar have that made him seem weak?

he suffered from epilepsy

What was Julius Caesar's career path?

1) Caesar was born by the caesarian birth which is named after him. 2) As a young man Caesar was captured by pirates and released when other Romans paid his ransom. He then had the pirates captured and crucified. 3) When Caesar beheld a statue of Alexander the Great, he broke down in tears because he was the same age as Alexander when he conquerered his empire, and Caesar as yet had no conquests to compare. 4) The Julian calender that we use today was also named after Julius Caesar, because he commissioned it. 5) Julius Caesar had the falling sickness, aka epilepsy. 6) Caesar is the Roman who started gladiator fights as entertainment. Before then they were funeral rites for a slain leader, in which a sword fight to the death provided a servant to the slain leader in the afterlife. 7) His father-in-law, Cinna, (Corneilia) took part in his killing.

In Julius Caesar who doesnt want to kill Antony?

Brutus :) A quote to prove it is: Cassius: Let Antony and Caesar fall together Brutus: Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius ... (Then later in the same monologue) Brutus: And for Mark Antony, think not of him; For he can do no more than Caesar's arm When Caesar's head is off (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 161-162 and 181-183) Enjoy!

How did Cassius persuade brutus to join the conspiracy?

Cassius manipulates Brutus into participating in the plot to kill Caesar by planting doubts in Brutus' mind about Caesar's intentions. He also flatters Brutus excessively and claims that the people would rather Brutus lead them than Caesar.

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Does Caesar seem to share calphurnia's fear?


What disease did Caesar have that made him seem weak?

he suffered from epilepsy

What disease did Julius Caesar have that made him seem weak?

he suffered from epilepsy

Why do they seem to disappear?

There are various reasons why things, such as socks, seem to disappear. Some common explanations include misplacement, human error, or items getting mixed up with other laundry. Occasionally, items might get stuck in different parts of the washing machine or dryer, leading to their disappearance.

Are reptiles in extiontion or in danger?

The majority seem to be doing well.

How does calpurnia's relationship with Caesar seem to differ from Portia's relationship with Brutus?

his wife :)

Are hobby stores in danger of disappearing from mainstream American cities?

Hobby stores do not seem to be in danger of disappearing from mainstream American cities. There seem to be a lot of hobby stores out there. There is Hobbytown, Hobbylobby, Hobby Superstore.

What is does Antony say in his speech to prove to the people that Caesar was not ambitious?

"You all did see upon the Lupercal, I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?"

Why does Cassius see Caesar's falling sickness as a sign of weakness?

After sarcastically comparing Caesar to the Colossus of Rhodes, showing how Caesar thinks himself superior to the senators, his epilepsy makes him seem less than an average senator, in Cassius' mind.

How do you know your relationship is in danger?

If you guys have a lack of communication and if you guys don't seem to be as close. Or maybe if you guys don't seem like other couples.

In a gaggle of geese why does there always seem to be one who is the outcast?

he is the looker. He or she is looking for danger to keep the flock safe.

According to casca did the roman people seem to want Caesar to be king?

Yes, Casca believed that the Roman people seemed to want Caesar to be king based on their enthusiastic applause and support for Caesar during the Lupercal festival. Casca thought that Caesar's ambition to be the king was driven by the people's desire for him to take the position.