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Q: Does Blackwater still exist in the middle east?
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Does omen really exist?

yes omen does exist it is in the middle east south of Saudi Arabia

Where did Persian empire exist?

Middle East. Persia is now called Iran.

What forms of government has the middle east had since world war 2?

Mostly autocracies which didn't pretend to be anything else, or monarchies which were (and those that still exist are) similarly autocratic.

What are the names of two kingdoms in middle east?

Two kingdoms still existing in the Middle East are Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Does a country called Yemen exist?

Yes, there is country a called Yemen. It is in the Middle East.

Does East Germany still exist?

No, it reunited with West Germany in 1990.

Which part of the world did Persian Empire exist?

Middle East. Persia today is called Iran.

Did newts exist in Jesus' time?

Yes. Only one genus occurs in the Middle East.

How has Israel contributed to the instabiliy in the middle east?

By stubbornly clinging to its intention to exist as a sovereign nation.

Do furry coated pigs still exist?

Yes, but only in East Africa

Does the bread in the Middle East have gluten?

yes it's still wheat

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