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Yes. He was a strong leader and a great military tactician. Alexander's father created for him a strong army that made his kingdom strong and united Greece under Macedonian hegemony for the conquest of Persia. He was taught by Aristotle who studied under Plato who studied under Socrates. Alexander the great spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, and by the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to northwestern India. He went beyond the world known to the Greeks in a time when the world was still thought of as flat. He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's most successful military commanders.

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6y ago
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14y ago

Yes because he had a huge empire in about 13 B.C.. Plus he got a whole bunch of innovations in fighting. He also accomplished being considered the greatset Greek soldier/general ever.

Hope I help a bit

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12y ago

Alexander the Great did have one very impressive accomplishment, which was to conquer a very large empire. On the other hand, he died young and his empire immediately fell apart, so it could be argued that he did not leave much of a legacy. So, it is a matter of opinion whether he was really all that great. Perhaps his most lasting contribution to civilization was to popularize the practice of men shaving off their beards, as many men do to this day. Perhaps he should be remembered as Alexander the Shaver.

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11y ago

Yes Alexander was certainly The Great . If you read History you will know why he got this title

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7y ago

He was great in courage, battle and at organisation. If you are talking of personal matters, he was deeply flawed - violent, self promoting and inconsistent.

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