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Q: Document that pledged loyalty to the king?
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What knights did for kings?

In feudal Europe, the knights pledged their loyalty to the king. They fought for the king and the kingdom.

What is a document that gives people the right to organize settlements in an area?

What is a formal document drawn up by the Pilgrams that pledged their loyalty to England

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what is the lords main duty to the pledged loyalty to him

What is the document that colonist is pledged their loyalty to King George and asked him to repeal the Intolerable acts?

First Continental Congress wrote the Declaration of Rights

What did knights receive in exchange forpledge of loyalty?

It's not that all knights recived same things when they pledged loyalty, depends if the king/lord whom they pledged the loyalty is generous, usualy knights dont recive nothing when they pledge loyalty, they recive rewards when they prove themselves worthy.

What formal document drawn up by the pilgrims that pledged their loyalty to England and declared their intention of forming a civil body politic?

the Mayflower Compact

The vassals pledged allegiance to the?

This is Feudalism, a system of protection for loyalty that declined during the Renaissance due to the Black Plague, growth of trade, and urbanization. The vassals pledged loyalty to the lord of the manor.

What is a pledged support in exchange for fief?

A Vassal takes a pledge of loyalty to the lord

How do you use liege in a sentence?

While servants pledged their loyalty to the liege, they did not always like him or respect him.

What was a man called when he pledged his loyalty to another of higher rank in return for land in medieval times?

A vassal

Upon signing for military duty soldiers pledged an oath of loyalty to the?

thr general or the legit channung tatum

Apart from the king to who did the clergy swear loyalty?

The Clergy swore loyalty to the Pope (apart from the king)