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Exactly what force, your country's military or some form of national guard? If you are a U.S. citizen, I would advise against doing so--you have an extremely high probability of being sent to Iraq and you may have to stay much longer than what you are notified by any recruiter. Some units have served two yearlong tours, and some even three. There are fears some units will do fourth and fifth yearlong tours in 2007-2008. This has serious effects on a person's physical and emotional strength and overall morale. Really think about this before you enlist. I had a father who served in Korea and some of the experiences he witnessed never left him. If you need the money for college, look into scholarships or grants. If you are in Another Country that isn't involved in a war, what would your obligations of service be? Where would be required to serve? What financial/educational incentives would you receive? Are you ready to serve for 2-5 years or not? My 2 cents....

This is definitely an opinion question, and I'm not shy about sharing mine. I think that if you feel any type of love for your country and feel that you can make a contribution to national defense, you should consider serving. As a veteran of the United States Army with a 17 year old son I still feel that service in the military can be a profoundly maturing experience. I will encourage him in all that he does, whether or not he decides to serve in the military.

In my opinion, to place more import on what you will get out of it financially than what the benefit to the nation will be is very small minded. Joining the military of your nation is definitely a personal decision (unless your country uses conscription). Think long and hard, but think about the big picture.

If you disagree with me, please feel free to add your comments, but please have the decency not to change what I have written.


I'm only 13 and i already know i want to join the armed forces if you feel as if joining the armed forces will help you in what you need to do in life then for all means you should but if you have no passion for the armed forces then why bother if you think its right for you you should give it a shot if now dont its your call ; )

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Q: Do you think it's right to join government armed forces?
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