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they were both facists nd dictators so i guess in a way they are alike

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They were more alike.

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Q: Do you think Hitler and Mussolini were alike or different?
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What government was Hitler and Mussolini elected?

I think that they weren't elected.

Are the offers alike or different?

i think alike

Did Mussolini think the Aryan race was superior?

Mr. Mussolini noticed Adolph Hitler's successes in Europe and thought he could cash in on a good thing by being Mr. Hitler's good friend. Mr. Hitler, in turn, thought Mr. Mussolini was an idiot. He was right. Benito Mussolini was a Hitler boot-licker whose actions and puppy-dogging essentially lost the war for the axis powers. To that we owe him our gratitude. He believed in nothing except his own power and greed.

Was Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler or tojo known as the leader?

in different parts they where considered differently but i think Hitler was the one who came up with taking over the world of redeamning Germany (treaty of Versailles). Hitler was Germany Tojo was japan mussolnin was Italy and Stalin was soviet union

What was the nickname for the fascists under Mussolini?

I think you are referring to "black shirts" corresponding to Hitler's "brown shirts" in Germany.

Which world war 2 leader could be described as a fascist?

The fascist leaders that I can currently think of are Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Benito Mussolini (Italy).

What are the names of the leaders that was in world war 2?

Tojo, hitler, Stalin ,Churchill, roosevelt, Mussolini , that's it I think.-Cornjulio

Why did Musollini follow Hitler in World War 2?

Mussolini signed a pact with Hitler to be an ally. He did NOT think of it as he was following after Hitler. Both countries had a form of fascist government. For a long time, before the war and a year into the war, the two Dictators were equal in many ways in their actions and egotism. Mussolini came to power in 1922, many years before Hitler did in 1933. In June 1934, Hitler traveled to Italy to visit Mussolini. Hitler, dressed in civilian clothes, was dazzled by Mussolini who wore a splendid uniform and showed off his air and sea power. This inspired Hitler to begin wearing his uniform and visor cap. Even the Nazi stiff-arm salute was taken from Mussolini and his Blackshirts. Mussolini was fluent in German but it seems that every time they met, Hitler would take control of the conversation. So, in a sense, Mussolini did relent control to Hitler. By 1941, Italy had fought several years in North Africa and was tired of war. Their Army was worn out and needed new equipment. That made Mussolini "look up" to Hitler for aide. Link:

What did Mussolini think of adolf Hitler?

Mussolini was among the founders of Italian Fascism, which included elements of Nationalism, Corporatism, National Syndicalism, Expansionism, Social Progress, Anti-Communism in conbination with Censorship of Subversices and State Propaganda. In the years following his creation of the fascist ideology, Mussolini influenced, or achieved admiration from, a wide variety of political figures including Hitler. As you look closely into Hitler's form of Government a lot of Mussolini's ideals were put into use.

Why did Benito Mussolini sign the Munich pact?

Mussolini wanted power. He felt he could gain more power by being an ally of Hitler's Germany. So helped the United Kingdom and France think that Hitler's takeover of Austria was nothing and that Europe would be able to avoid war.

Why is Benito Mussolini important to the Holocaust time period?

Common agenda. Fascism and Hitlers ideals mix well. Mussolini became leader of Italy in 1922. Hitler came to power later and so he looked to Mussolini for ideas and also a mentor in formulating his miliary. On 14 June, 1934, Hitler made his first trip to meet Mussolini to discuss "international policy". Mussolini put on a show of his military might to impress Hitler. However, Mussolini did not want Germany to annex Austria and share a common border with Italy. He succeded in this for a few years. Some say that Hitler was inspired to use the stiff-armed "Nazi salute" from observing Mussolini's troops using the Roman salute. On the other hand, Mussolini tried to emulate the German "goose step" march after his visit to Germany in 1937. After 1937, Hitler was in command of his own destiny and did not look to Mussolini for direction or inspiration. In World War 2 Mussolini was just a nuisance - going to war, getting a sound hiding and then asking Hitler for help.

How did Benito Mussolini influence Adolf Hitler?

Benito and Adolf did not like each other but they respected each others power, certainly Benito would have been interested in gaining more power. In 1938, Germany occupied Austria in the Anschluss (forbidden by Versailles). Hitler did not forewarn Mussolini about what he was going to do and this upset Mussolini's belief that he was an equal partner. However, there was nothing Mussolini could do about the Nazi occupation of Austria and it was clear from 1938 on that Mussolini was definitely the minor partner in the relationship.