I don't think so as I trained at three different locations and never received any swimming training or even a mention of it.
Ten weeks.
It depends on your degree plan and the University, typically it is 6-9 college credits for successful completion of Basic Training.
It depends on how long you have been out of the Army and what branch you are coming from, typically your will attend the Army's Warrior Transition Unit.
CX and highly toxic and is not used in basic training. CS gas is used to test effectiveness of protective masks and clothing.
No, you do not. The Marines is the only branch of Service that the US Army accepts people without going through any form of introduction training.
15000 pak rupees i think
Basic training for the Army takes 9 weeks. Advanced individual training can last an additional 6 weeks to 1 year! The Army have 5 different locations for basic training.
Most of training is mostly exercising and gun training. You will be doing a lot of running weights courses, drills and gun training during the Army basic training.
Basic training.
There is no Army National Guard basic training. It is basic training at one of the US Army's active duty training base. All active, reserve, and guard members train together as one. The platoon guide is basically a leader of the platoon.
There is no particular time involved between an Army soldier completing basic training and being deployed. It depends on the need and the job that the soldier is trained to do. Many soldiers are deployed shortly after completing basic training.
The army basic training program takes nine weeks to complete. It is required to become a US soldier.
no ur not... but after basic training u can use them
Ten weeks.
The United States basic training army can be known as Initial Entry Training, aka IET. The more familiar term however, is the "Army Bootcamp." Many people know what Bootcamp is, where as IET is not as well known.
The Navy and Army's basic training is 8 weeks long. Air force is 6 weeks, and Marine Corps is 13 weeks.