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No. These would have happened eventually because of Germany attack the lusitania which started America in the war. France,Britain and Russia were all allies and fought Austria-Hungary,Italy and Germany because Germany wanted more power on the seas.

* from te144 The above answer pertains more to WWI than WWII: the Lusitania going down in 1917 or so. The anti-Allies (Nazi) forces did not include Austria in WWII (which was surrendered to Hitler without a struggle.)

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Q: Do you feel that World War 2 could have been avoided?
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Why did German soldiers not feel defeated after World War 1?

The German's didn't feel defeated, because Hitler promised them for world domination. That he'd fix Germany and make it the capital of the world, and how he promised everyones life to get better. So the soldiers were still thinking that they could win the next war (aka WW2 (World War 2) ) As a people, the Germans did not feel they had been really defeated in WW I - only "humiliated". Hitler played on that.

Could the cold war have been avoided at the Yalta conference?

Considering the actions Stalin took during the war I believe the cold war was inevitable. He was ruthless toward his own countrymen when he felt they needed to do things differently. For example - he refused food in and people out of the Ukraine during the war. He did not feel those who lived within the Ukraine supported his cause effectively and he literally starved his own. With that kind of man in control - I do not believe that he would have been stopped.

How did the gas chamber in the holocaust feel?

they did not have feelings, nor could they feel.

Could a situation such as the internment of Japanese Americans of World War 11 take place today?

Could a situation such as the internment of Japanese Americans during World War 11 take place today? If so,under what circumstances? If you do not feel this could happen,explain why.

What does it mean if you dream of the end of the world?

If you dream about the end of the world, chances are it means that you feel uncertain about the future. And given the current state of the world, it is quite understandable for anyone to feel uncertain about the future.

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when you feel apologetic about something that could possibly have been your fault.

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Why did German soldiers not feel defeated after World War 1?

The German's didn't feel defeated, because Hitler promised them for world domination. That he'd fix Germany and make it the capital of the world, and how he promised everyones life to get better. So the soldiers were still thinking that they could win the next war (aka WW2 (World War 2) ) As a people, the Germans did not feel they had been really defeated in WW I - only "humiliated". Hitler played on that.

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if you do not see or feel anything that could be an airbag.

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i feel bad to be the one to answer this.... but it could have been a miscarriage. but it could also have been something else. you should really see a doctor

Is could a linking verb?

the linking verbs are: am, is, are, was, were, has been, had been, have been, shall be, will be, might have been, should have been, would have been, appear, become, seems, look, feel, grow, remain, sound, taste. so no could be is not a linking verb.

How a young man feels when he wants to marry?

He could feel a number of things depending on the relationship. If he is being forced to marry (say because there is a baby coming), he could feel trapped. If the relationship is based on wealth (on either side) he could feel apprehensive. If he is madly in love he could feel elated and I am sure there have been a whole gambt of other feeling that mend have felt standing before the altar.

How young man feels when he wants to marry?

He could feel a number of things depending on the relationship. If he is being forced to marry (say because there is a baby coming), he could feel trapped. If the relationship is based on wealth (on either side) he could feel apprehensive. If he is madly in love he could feel elated and I am sure there have been a whole gambt of other feeling that mend have felt standing before the altar.

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Most of them. Could be extasy, could be different amphetamines, could just be pot. Not LSD of peyote or mushrooms.

What does fairy dust feel like?

Magical... Have you ever been to Disney world? Ask tinker bell

Why did the Rats of NIMH feel they needed to read so many books?

so they could learn more about the world