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No, the word is not capitalized.

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Q: Do you capitalize the word late i.e. the late Dr Martin Luther King Jr?
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What have Coretta Scott King done?

She was the wife of the late-great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Was JFK or Martain Luther King assassinated first?

John Kennedy was assassinated before Martin Luther King. Kennedy was assassinated in late 1963, while King was not assassinated until early 1968. John's brother, Robert, was assassinated in 1968 as well, after Martin Luther King.

Who is more famous Martin Luther King Jr or Adele?

Martin King was a one hit wonder and nobody has even thought of him since the late nineties.

What time of day was Martin Luther King Jr. shot?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot at 6:01pm on April 4, 1968. That means that he was shot in the late afternoon or early evening, but he died hours later.

What have Coretta Scott king did for the world?

She is a humanitarian. However, she most famous for being the widow of the late-great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Who was the first significant and well known African American who emerged in the late nineteenth century?

Martin Luther King Jr.

What is marten Luther king wifes name?

Coretta Scott King

What band did a concept album about Martin Luther King Jr in the late 70s the cover had a large picture of Martin Luther King Jr over somesort of colored pic No not u2 or Stevie wonder?

I don't know what the answer is but some one wrote something really rude. Filling in.

Coretta Scott King wrote the introduction in what book about Charles Drew?

The late Coretta Scott King was the wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She wrote the introduction to Beyond the Cherry Tree which was a book about Dr. Charles Drew.

What city is The King Center located?

'The King Center is located in Atlanta, Georgia. It's mission is to promote the legacy of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his message of peace, nonviolence, equality, and justice.

Does Dexter Scott King have any children?

No. It seems that none of the King children have never been married, nor do they have any children. It is rather sad though. With all the respect and inflluence granted to the family, through the late great, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the legacy will stop when they pass on. However, Martin Luther King III and his wife Andrea Waters King gave birth to a baby girl they named Yolanda Renee King in 2008.

How did Martin Luther King jr started in career?

martin Luther king,jr., progressed an unknow baptist preacher to a world-famous leader who won the nobel peace prize in 1964.his message of nonviolents protest won wide support from whites for the civil rights movement.