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Yes, they are called PHILANTHROPISTS. Some do, some don't. Usually wealthy people are very secretive about donating or helping people (refuse to have their name given) or they would have thousands of people coming after them for money. Then there are some of the rich which give little and only donate as a tax write off. The tragedy in New Orleans sparked a very wealthy man (refused to let his name be released) to give money to have low-rental housing built immediately for those in need.

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Q: Do the rich help honest people in need?
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In any country, the rich can help the poor by investing in new businesses where people can become employed. They can invest in new products that can be put into production in the country and sold all over. The rich can also donate money directly to charities which help those that need it.

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In need of rich friends who can help you financially?

Good luck. Most well-off people can spot a leech a mile away.