One answer is we don't , it's a holiday so we'd enjoy a 'drink' or 10 . In years gone by, people would wear a sprig of shamrock on their clothes for the day , go to mass, go to see the local parade of bands and floats, then head to the pub. Nowadays it's more likely to adorn your cars with tricolour flags , go to see the local parade, go to local events, then go to the pub.
the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's day to celebrate the life of a man named Patrick cause he is the one who brang Christianity to Ireland
Ceiliúrtar Lá Fhéile Pádraig ar an 17ú Márta
well for one cookie i will say that they brang the pototatos and they brout saint patricks day and the irish laugauge
I think you mean green, red has no obvious connection to St. Patricks day. you are kissed when you wear green because everyone is Irish, and who doesn't love to be Irish for a day?
March 17 is the feast of St. Patrick all over the world.
Saint Patricks day.
st patricks day
Saint patricks day
On saint patricks day we where green and have parades and the irish eat corn beef.
1737 Boston
It is the date St. Patrick died.
St. Patrick is the primary patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is a long established holiday in Ireland with religious origins. It's celebrated in the U.S. as a tribute to the Irish and Irish culture (and maybe because it features a little imbibing).
the true meaning to saint patricks day is a day observed by the Irish to commemorate the Patton saint of Ireland.
St. Patricks day! About 65% of the people at the St. Patricks day parade are Irish!
Saint Patrick's Day is March 17.
St. Patrick's Day represents Christianity coming to Ireland. St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland. It is on the 17th of March and it is the national holiday of Ireland.