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Italy as a united country has never controlled trade with Arabs. The city-state of Venice controlled the spice trade along with the Arabs in 1500s and 1600s, but most other forms of trade in Italy were dispersed throughout different provinces at different time periods.

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Yes. Arabs have traded with Italian merchants for centuries. The height of Arab-Italian trade was during the 1500s and 1600s when Venice and the Arabs controlled the spice trade.

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Q: Do the Arabs trade goods with Italian merchants?
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Why did the European merchants generally trade gold an silver for Chinese goods in Ming dynasty rather than trade manufactured goods of their own?

European manufactured goods were generally of lower quality than Chinese goods.

What is an annual trade gathering called in medieval times?

A variety of goods that were not produced locally would be available. Merchants would travel long distances to attend trade fairs in different towns. At the trade fairs, merchants would sell goods such as spices and silk that were not locally produced.

The three way trade New England merchants established with the Caribbean colonists in order to acquire british goods is an example of what?

The three way trade New England merchants established with the Caribbean colonies in order to acquire British goods is an example of triangular trade. The rise of trade in New England led to the rise of cities along the coast.Ê

What increase in trade for the Safavid empire?

The merchants constantly traveled to new areas and they then exported to russia many items and goods

A monopoly on trade between the eastern mediterranean and Europe was held by the merchants who?

Depending on the period of history you are talking about it may vary. From about 1000 to about 1500 control of trade between the Eastern Medniterranean (mainly Constantinople) was under the control of Italian merchants. Italy was not a unified nation but consisted of a collection of city states such as Milan, Genoa and Venice. Each had some control of the trade goods entering Europe, especially over spices which the Europeans had discovered during the Crusades (1095-1292).

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because the merchants where exchanging goods for money

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because the merchants where exchanging goods for money

Why did the European merchants generally trade gold an silver for Chinese goods in Ming dynasty rather than trade manufactured goods of their own?

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