

Do scorpians shoot poison

Updated: 11/4/2022
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12y ago

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No. They inject their poison through the tail.

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Q: Do scorpians shoot poison
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Continue Learning about General History

What country eats scorpians?

every one

What gang do the tbirds race against in grease?

The Scorpians

Did Hitler shoot him self?

Yes, after taking cyanide. The date was April 30, 1945.

Which is the poisenous plant?

poison ivy, poison oak

What was the process of killing Jew prisoners?

There were 2 different ways. In concentration camps sometimes the would be told to take a shower and they would put poison gas in there.Other times they just killed them by telling them to stand in front of the hole and they would shoot them in the back of their heads.

Related questions

What animal poison kill you quicker?

For sure scorpians.

Can any animals can shoot poison as a projectile and what are they?

The Cobra is a snake and can shoot poison as a projectile.

Are scorpians herbivores or carnivores?

Scorpions are carnivores, feeding on smaller insects by injecting them with poison. It usually has a stunning effect.

Do arrow poison frog shoot their poison?

Poison Dart Frogs do not shoot their poison. They are named Dart Frogs because natives in South America used to use them to make the tips of their arrows poisonous.

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What kind of poison does a poison dart frog shoot out?

No poison dart frog shoots it poison. They ooze if from their skin. The type of poison depends on the species of frog.

How do you get rid of harmful animals?

Trap, poison or shoot them.

When squirrel bite do they have poison?

They don't have poison, but there is a chance that they carry rabies. So if you encounter squirrels, avoid them or contact squirrel removal like the critter guy.

What are the two facts about scorpians?

one is that scorpions are very poisonous,and if you get attacked by one you must go to the hospital real quick.there thing on there butt has poison,and can hurt badly

Who are scorpians enemies?

humans birds and other scorpians and centipedes and birds

What prey does scorpians eat?

many scorpians eat bugs insects and lizards

Does a Platypus only shoot poison at prey or at everything?

Platypuses do not shoot poison. They only inject poison into predators which threaten or attack them. Platypuses do not use their poison on their prey, as they feed on tiny crustaceans and larvae that live on riverbeds and pond beds. They locate these ctreatures via sensitive electroreceptors in their bills.