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In fact, they did. Search Shuriken on Wikipedia and one of the paragraphs explain how samurais used them. Hope this helps.

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Q: Do samurai use shuriken for battle?
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What did samurai battle with?

Samurai battled with swords and used martial arts and were taught to use anything handy they could find.

Which is stronger Rasenshuriken or Kirin?

It depends who uses it. Naruto has the chakra of the nine-tails, and sage mode, so his Rasen Shuriken is very strong. As Rasen-Shuriken is wind release, and Kirin is lightning, in a head-to-head battle, Rasen-Shuriken will overpower the other.

When was the shuriken created?

The origins of the bo-shuriken in Japan are still unclear. Its earliest recorded use was in the 17th century.

Did samurai use spears in battle?

all the time, they also used guns bows and swords

How do you use the shuriken weapon in Final Fantasy 3?

The Shuriken can only be used by the Ninja job, by choosing the Throw command and selecting the Shuriken, then the target. You will lose the Shuriken if you Throw it.

What did the samurai weared?

The clothing a samurai wore outside of battle was known as the kimono.

Who were the first to use a sword?

the first were samurai warriors in battle. they had western sword-smiths that made these swords

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Three characteristics shared by knights and samurai were loyalty to their lords, adherence to a code of ethics (chivalry for knights, bushido for samurai), and the use of a variety of weapons and fighting techniques in battle.

What did samurai do while not in battle?

with a women

What did the samurai do in 1867?

they went to battle

What clothes did the samurai wear?

The clothing a samurai wore outside of battle was known as the kimono.