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Yes illegal immigrants do have some rights under the equal protection clause, cf. Plyer v. Doe. That does not mean that illegal immigrants must be granted completely equal treatment. Race was the the immediate reason for passing the 14th Amendment, and thus racial disparities are given the highest scrutiny under equal protection analysis. Aliens, however, are not afforded such deference.

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Q: Do illegal immigrants have rights under the equal protection clause?
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What constitutional amendments support gay rights?

The Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Do illegal immigrants have grandparents rights?

It would prove a little difficult to bring an action.

What is the central purpose of the equal protection clause?

The Central Purpose of the Equal Protection Clause (amendment 14) is to protect all rights given by the Bill of rights. For example the Equal Porotection Clause was made right after Civil war in which the 13th amendment freed slaves. So this clause was made that so these free slaves can have equal protection under the law. Though I personally feel that it took time for this to actually happen and I still feel today that this amendment has not been accomplished yet. But this is the central purpose for the Equal protection Clause.

What rights do Illegal Immigrants have?

Even though they are considered Illegal Immigrants, they still hace a strong set of rights that our constitution provides them. Our constitution clearly states the following "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here." This amendment got rid of any conroversy. the supreme court interpreted that everyone has equal rights despite their legal status, color, or religion." As you can see, Immigrants do have rights in the country. They might lack some rights such as the ability to vote. however, people often make the assumption that they do not have rights. furthermore, it is important for illegal immigrants to learn about their rights in order for them to stop being taken advantage of. For more information on the topic of Illegal Immigrants visit

Can immigration authorities deport all illegal immigrant immediately as they are not protected by law?

false, immigrants are entitled to all the rights in the Bill of Rights

Which clause in the 14th amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision?

The Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision by guaranteeing that all persons within the United States are entitled to equal protection under the law. This clause protected the rights of all citizens regardless of race.

What amendment has to do with gay rights?

None, however, bans on gay marriage violate the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

Which part of the Fourteenth Amendment declares that states cannot pass laws infringing on citizens' rights?

the equal protection clause

Do illegal immigrants that work in the US deserve the unalienable rights?

Yes, they do. Unalienable rights should be denied to no human, regardless of immigration status. By law, however, rights of citizens can be denied them.

What rights do illegal aliens have?

Illegal immigrants do not have rights because they are not citizens of said country. If you are speaking of the United States, for instance, if an illegal alien was to come here, they would have no rights since they lack citizenship and entered illegally--breaking the law. Laws of each land (country) only protect citizens of that country and legal residents who enter and leave or are on a legal path to citizenship of a country.

Should illegal immigration be stopped?

no because we are humans and everybody has the same rights... Yes because Illegal immigration is just that ILLEGAL... Everyone does not have the same rights,We(USA) have fought and died to get the rights that we have now,Illegal immigrants are not entitled to same rights as legal US citizens.Their demands on our society are much larger than their contributions to it... They do have and should be given basic human rights,but not the rights to enter a country illegally and sponge off a society for their exsistence.

Are gay people included under equal protection clause?

In terms of criminal justice and general rights, they are. However, the clause doesn't give them special rights or rights that other people don't already have. Even heterosexuals lack the right to have a legally recognized marriage with someone of the same sex.