Louisiana is 32% Black.
Lucas Cruikshank doesn't live in Louisiana he lives in Colubus Nebraska!
Iberia Parish
Yes. The Eastern Bluebird nests in Louisiana
Crocodiles not only live in swamps, the also live in riparian areas near rivers. Crocodiles hunt and live in areas that a predominantly water.
No. Other than the rare Chinese alligator of the Yangtze River, alligators live only in the southeastern US, primarily Louisiana and Florida.
Antarctica is a polar continent and crocodiles are tropical aquatic reptiles, so no, crocodiles do not 'live in Antarctica'.
Yes, there are some crocodiles that live in the savannah.Nile Crocodiles live in the African savannah.West African Dwarf Crocodiles also live in the African savannahClick here for further reading on reptiles in the African savannah.
I think crocodiles don't live in Seas or Oceans because it's too salty in that place unlike in lakes or in rivers where mostly crocodiles live.
There are different kinds of crocodiles. They all live in different environments.
NO! they live on land
crocodiles live IN NO OCEAN,the salt stops their breathing and at one point entirely suffocates them,there are some croc's that live in salt water,but its not concentrated like the ocean,so the answer is no crocodiles live in the ocean
No, it is 101% that crocodiles do NOT live in lake rosseau. Only fish, turtles, and clams live in lake rosseau.
Crocodiles are living things and living things will die.
Nile crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus)