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no i don't think so ,my sister is married to a sunni Muslim and he eats wat my family eat,even if he did eat particuliar food i don't see a prpblem with that,there the same as you and me ,and i like there kind of food too .

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12y ago
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12y ago

some Muslims eat the same food, depending on where you live it might be different, but all Muslims cant eat certain things like pork (pig) other than eat, Muslims do eat the same foods

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Q: Do all Muslims eat the same foods?
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Hahahahahahahahaha, I eat your first born child!

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Anything thing with any form of pork in it such as gelatain

Are there any foods Muslims can not eat?

Yes. refer to question below for more information.

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Muslims are not alowed to eat pork, they can eat all the other meats but they have to be halal.