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Q: Do Mexicans and blacks hate each other?
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Do Mexicans hate black people?

I am Mexican and i think black people are cool. I had NEVER seen a Mexican that hates a black person unless that person picks on them.BUt most Mexicans don't hate black people.

Do KKK members hate Black people?

In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.

Why do Arabs and Muslims hate each other?

Arabs and Muslims do not hate each other. Most Arabs are Muslims.

Why did blacks hate Jews?

they don't. probably a minority do. I know some black jewish people. There are some Blacks who hate Jews, usually as a result of the teachings of Nation of Islam (which is a distinct religion from Sunni or Shiite Islam) or because of the teachings of certain sects of Baptist Christianity. Both of these particular religions teach that Jews are demonic. Other Blacks who hate Jews come from Black Israelite Churches who see Jews as imposters and themselves as the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Finally, some Blacks associate Jews with the White Elite in the United States and other countries that have traditionally kept Blacks in a position of inferiority. While there certainly were Jews in support of racist institutions, Jews have supported African-Americans through the Civil Rights Movement and have actively worked together with African-American communities as a fellow minority in America.

What other racism is in the world other than just the Blacks and Whites one?

Racism isn't just between Black people and White people. Racism can be felt between any two cultures. Blacks and Asians can hate each other as well as Whites and Latinos. This day and age racism should be a thing of the past. Unfortunatly the rest of the world doesn't feel that way. but its taken one step forward in that everyone has the same rights to hate someone else.

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Because vietnamese gangs biggest rivals are blacks and also mexicans

Are Mexicans killing Blacks?

As some sort of hate crimes, no. They don't.

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some few do like black people

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actually, some blacks do hate. but um,i know that blacks are nice they don't hate noone. its the whites and the Mexicans who look down at them. this is messed up i only look down at someone if they disrespect not cuz there race its just that blacks tend to disrespect me more than any other race

Do Mexicans hate black people?

I am Mexican and i think black people are cool. I had NEVER seen a Mexican that hates a black person unless that person picks on them.BUt most Mexicans don't hate black people.

What are the statistics of racism in Nashville TN?

los angeles more races then Nashville Mexicans hate blacks I deal went them everyday

What are the lyrics to Ku Klux poem?

we hate blacks we hate blacks and JEWS

Why do you hate some white people they don't fit in with blacks?

Unfortunately there is discrimination against every race and culture. There is no reason why certain people hate other people. There is no way to force people to like each other or get along.

Why does Hannah montanna hate Mexicans?

where did you hear that miley cyrus aka hannah montana hate mexicans my answer is you are wrong

Do whites hate Mexicans?

Mexicans who are racist very likely do, but not all Mexicans hate Caucasians. In fact, roughly 10-20% of Mexico's population is of European descent.

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Are you racist if you hate Mexicans?
