

Do Arabs or Jews live in Egypt?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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10y ago

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The overwhelming majority of Egypt is Arab. There used to be a small minority of Jews in Egypt, but they are basically gone now. Most Egyptian Jews live in Israel today.

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Q: Do Arabs or Jews live in Egypt?
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Egypt is a Muslim nation. Very few Jews live there.

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Yes. It depends on the context and the person, though.Answer:I live in Israel, and I can testify to the fact that there are a lot of Jews/Israelis and Arabs who get along very well. However, it's not them whom you hear about on the daily news.

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yes he hates arabs and jews

Are Arabs and Jews rivals?

Perhaps, but the rivalry seems to be one-sided. Judaism is not terribly concerned about the Arabs and is very internally focused. Arabs, however, often discuss Jews and blame many of their problems on the Jews.