settler's how to use dead fish ."
A settler named Peter Minuit founded the colony of New York.They duke of york
in new york
the Algonquins where the 1 people living i what is now New York
john windthrop
Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.Two of the New York tribes were the Mohawk Indians and the Mohegans.
Answer:The Americans found New York but the Dutch founded Manhatten.Julianne is AWESOME!
there were aproximately 1564752347175 indians in colonial new york.
settler's how to use dead fish ."
the shawnee Indians didnt live in pensilvania .the shawnee Indians lived in Ohio Kentucky and Indiana but the shawnee Indians were far ranging people they lived as far north as New York state and as far south as geergia.
A settler named Peter Minuit founded the colony of New York.They duke of york
the indians
The Bronx ,borough of New York City was named after the early Dutch settler James Bronck.