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Of course the founding fathers grew hemp. At the time hemp was he major source of fiber for society. Thi extended to all aspects of society including rope making, clothing, sail making (the major source of trade, paper, etc. It was considered unpatriotic and in fact could result in problems with the government including fines and maybe even jail time if one did not grow hemp. for some reason in modern society we seem to associate hemp and marijuana as one and the same which is entirely not true. While the both come from the same species, any sort of psychoactive effect from smoking marijuana whether indica, sativa, or some mix does not produce an industrial effect and vice versa. In other words industrial hemp fiber production and the drug effects result from an entirely different crop. that having been said it does appear that the founding fathers did smoke the crop they produced. The question of course is why would they not? In a country whose history has such sordid details as whiskey rebellions and the use of apples to create cider to get drunk (Johnny Appleseed) hy would we not. We all know Americans love both the altered states of consciousness and hating that which produces these states(ie. morphine, heroine, marijuana, prohibition of alcohol, etc.) the only logical conclusion is we love drugs and loe to hate them without a logical discussion.

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14y ago

It is known that some of the Native Americans did smoke marijuana, so it is possible that they may have introduced it to the early Europeans who moved to the Americas, but we have no solid evidence of whether or not the Founding Fathers would have used marijuana.

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