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Q: Did women have a visible or public role in the ordinary daily life of Athens?
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Who were the ordinary citizens of ancient rome?

Please clarify what you mean by "daily citizens".

What were woman's lives like in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens they were kept in purdah in the house rearing children and working in the house and garden. In Sparta, they were free to participate in daily life, play sports etc.

What was daily life like for the Greeks when Xerxes was attacking?

Crowded. They moved from their farms into the cities. Athens sent its families to board in other cities, abandoned their city and took to the sea to fight.

How many American flags can be on a military base?

PUBLIC LAW 94 - 344 specifies: "Section 2 (e) The flag should be displayed daily on or near the main administration building of every public institution." Military establishments are public institutions. There are no limitations as to how many flags can be flown, however (see above) usually ONE location is specified as the "Post flag," "Base flag," or "Camp flag," and it is at THAT location at which the daily official raising and lowering of the installation's flag takes place.

The Golden Age of Athens was ruled by?

The popular assembly, embracing the male citizens of the city-state, who met each fortnight to approve legislation and important policies. Between assembly meetings, a council of 500, comprising 50 councillors elected by the 10 tribes, carried out these directions, and brought matters before the assembly meetings. Of the 500 councillors, 50 were on duty in rotation 24 hours a day to deal with any urgent matters, and oversee and execute the daily routine of city administration.

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A photographer for the Daily Bugle

How far to Athens from England?

Athens is about 3 hours flight from London, and has very often flights daily from many different airlines

Daily life for boys in Athens times?

Rich Athens Boys had tutors to teach them Speech, Philosophy, Geometry, Astronomy and many more

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in athens, who could ba a citizen? in athens, who could ba a citizen?

What is an ordinary daily activity in Denmark?

The same as any other western country.

Who were the ordinary citizens of ancient rome?

Please clarify what you mean by "daily citizens".

What is a quotidian?

"Quotidian" is an adjective that relates to daily life or everyday experiences. It can refer to things that are ordinary, commonplace, or routine.

The Daily life of slaves in Athens?

there were slaves in Athens people buy them if you wants fun information about it then go to a libaray and ask them for the book you wounldn;t want to be a slave in Greece, it tells you all about Athens and their slaves. - Anna luc