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Q: Did treaties between American Indians and US didnt last long?
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How did mission Santa Barbara mission help the American Indians?

They didnt

How was the relationship between the whites and Indians?

The Indians and Whites had various relationships. Some liked the whites and some didnt, it depended on what the indians tribe was like, and what they beileved.

Why did Russia break treaties with the US?

they didnt agree with there rules.

Why did American Indians in the same region often develop different ways of life?

Because they fought and they didnt like each other!

How did the chowanoc Indians survive?

they didnt

How did the travellers have an effect on the plains Indians?

they where lost with out the indians and they didnt know what to do

Did the hopi Indians live in the plateau?

NO they didnt

What was the Thanksgiving feast actually?

the thanksgiving feast was actually like a treaty between the Indians and pilgrims. at that feast the Indians brought lots of foods from the land thst they grew, that the pilgrims didnt know about.

What are Similarities between James Madison and Andrew Johnson?

One is that they both fought a battle with Native American Indians in their presidencey. Johnson fought Red Cloud's War and Madison fought in the Battle of Tippecanoe. *note they themself didnt actually fight in the combat.

How are treaties backbone of international trade?

If we didnt have peace treaties, operation treaties, trade treaties, then we would all be fighting and we would be putting bombs in the shipments to and fro other countries. the treaties are saying....blah blah blah we promise to be nice to your country and you promise to be nice to our country if we trade with eachother. you will defent us we will defend you...blah blah blah..

How did gold miners affect the Indians?

they didnt let them cross the river, also they didnt give them gold!

The habit of scalping enemies began with which Indian tribe?

It didnt begin with Native American Indians, white settlers were first offered bounties for scalps, the Indians picked it up from there. like the English bounties for grey squirrel tails etc.