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Yes, it was effectively the first war on rails.

The first pitched battle of the war was won by General Joseph E. Johnston of the Confederates who managed to bring a whole army to the battlefield by rail.

Troops and materials were transported extensively by rail throughout the war, and the destruction and re-building of railroads was a major tactic by both sides.

One reason for Sherman's decision to turn East and head for sea was because his supply-line passed over 24 viaducts that were always being blown up by Confederate cavalry. By living off the land in Georgia, he was free to ignore this major problem.

Sherman is also identified with a particular trick of railroad destruction. By giving the rail a sharp enough twist, it would be rendered impossible to repair unless it could be sent to a rolling-mill. As a further act of defiance, his troops would loop these rails round trees for the enemy to find - the 'Sherman necktie'.

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Q: Did trains carry during the Civil War?
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Continue Learning about General History

What did Canada do during the Civil War?

Canada was British territory & remained neutral during the Civil War

Was Lincoln shot during or after the Civil War?

Lincoln was shot after the civil war

Was John Quincy Adams president during the civil war?

No, Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War.

When did the civil war battles take place?

During the Civil war in 1861 to 1865

What is a Civil War general?

Someone who commanded the major armies during the Civil War

Related questions

What transportation did the South have during the Civil War?

The trains IMPROVEMENT Railroads, wagons, carts, blockade-runners.

What would you see during the Civil War?

Slaves working, horse-drawn carriages, antebellum architecture, steam-powered trains, and paddle-wheeled riverboats were common sights during America's first and only Civil War.

How did trains take part in making the civil war the first modern war?

They brought supplies and troops to where they were needed. This previously would have taken a lot of horses to carry and at a slower pace.

Why did Civil War armies travel so slowly?

Civil War armies travelled slowly because they either marched or took trains (which were slower than today's trains).

What form of transportation was important for the south during the civil war?

Trains were the modern transportation, but most traveling was done on foot or by horseback.

How were trains used during the American Civil War?

For communication and transportation of troops and supplies. It heavily influenced the tactics of both armies.

What was the most important law during civil war?

the right to carry weapons (its also a law)

What are the contrasts in transportation during the civil war between the union and confederates?

The union had many trains, ships, and good roads. The Confederates had few trains, few ships, and not so good roads.

In 1871 were there trains?

Yes, trains were very common in the US well before the Civil War which started in 1861!

Did drummer boys of the civil war carry weapons?

No, drummer boys of the civil war did not carry weapons. All they did is drum.

Who were Jackson and Johnston during the Civil War?

they were two generals during the civil war

How were the armies supplied for in the civil war?

supplies were transported through the river systems or trains