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Well obviously not. The technology needed was just not available back then. They didn't even have running water.

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Q: Did they Have blimps in Medieval Times?
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There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.

Can blimps go to the moon?

No. Blimps require atmosphere.

What id another term used to describe the middles ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

What companies produce RC blimps?

There are some companies which produce remote controlled blimps. West Coast Blimps & Electronics, Yoshioka Model Factory, DraganFly Innovations Inc., and Model Airships and Blimps produce remote controlled blimps

Who were some Famous knights of Medieval Times?

A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer

When did they build medieval castles?

Medieval times

What castles did they have in Medieval Times?

Medieval castles.

What are the differences between hot air balloons and blimps?

blimps are oval shaped

How do blimps affect the way we travel or communicate today?

Blimps are obsolete nowadays. Blimps were always a danger to air travel, as well as its passengers. An example of the dangers of blimps was the Hindenburg tragedy.

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Golf wasn't created during the medieval times.

Royalty in Medieval Times?

For my senior trip im going to medieval times

When was Dark Medieval Times created?

Dark Medieval Times was created in 1993.