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Q: Did the townspeople disappear from Jamestown?
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How did Jamestown disappear?

Nope! It was Roanke.

Where did the townspeople and the nomads interact?

nomads and townspeople interacted in mecca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can you put the word townspeople into a sentence?

the townspeople hade a town meating in the big hallThe doctor tries to warn the townspeople of this danger.Local townspeople thronged to ' open days ' in early december.Today is when your new town mayor has the opportunity to tell the townspeople of his or her plans for the coming year.As a result 178 boroughs were granted permission to allow the townspeople to have their own councils.i hope i helped you :)

Why did townspeople want charters?

Townspeople wanted charters because these granted them specific rights and privileges. Charters contained local by-laws which are clearly defined for the townspeople to follow.

What do the townspeople say Hester's A now stands for?

The townspeople say Hester's A now stands for "Able"

What did Arabian townspeople do?

They pray

Whose lives in Arab was easier nomads or townspeople?

townspeople because more water supply and trading help

Is townspeople one word?

Yes, "townspeople" is one word. It refers to the residents or inhabitants of a town.

Who did the townspeople believe was Pip's benefactor?

The townspeople believed that Miss Havisham was Pip's secret benefactor.

Why did the capitol move from williamsburg to Jamestown?

Jamestown was a very dirty place. There were mosquitoes carrying malaria in the swamps, the water was brackish, and a major drought almost caused the settlement to disappear Williamsburg was on higher land away from disease. Also, the water was drinkable. Overall, Williamsburg was a much cleaner and nicer place to live.

How do the townspeople treat Hester?

they look down on her, throw objects, and stare at her. she keeps her distance but her name is still in the mouths of townspeople.

Rhode Island economics in 1770?

jamestown jamestown jamestown jamestown