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Black Death or The Black Plague was spread by fleas that were on rats. The Industrial Revolution could be the cause of its rapid spreading, but the cause is actually disputed by many scientists and historians. Many think it spread just because of how contagious it was.

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Q: Did the the Industrial Revolution spread the Black Plague?
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What rodent spread the Plague?

The black rat.

How did the plague get here?

black death Plague was spread via silk road. Mongol armies also spread it.

What caused the plague in Ancient Greece?

Black Death Plague spread from country to country. It spread across whole Europe.

What spread black death?

rats infestation or spread of bubonic plague from rats.

Why did the plague not spread anywhere else in the north?

Black Death Plague had spread across Europe. It also spread in Russia and other northern empires as well.

What spread this plague?

The black death was spread by the oriental rat flea, who got it from sucking the blood of black rats.

Which of the following statements is true about the spread of the Black Death?

The plague spread from south to north.

What animal spread the plague?

(The fleas carried on) the Black Rat.

What were the creatures that spread the black death plague?

Fleas on rats

Why did the black plague spread so quickly in 1348 and 1349?

The Black Death Plague decimated the population of Europe. It was able to spread so fast because the plague was highly contagious.

Why was ths Great Fear so widespread during the French Revolution?

Because it was just like the black plague,it spread and spread to everyone.Nobody wanted to get invaded by any foreign soldiers.No one wanted to die.

Why was quarantine the most effective for the plague?

Black Death was spread due to dead rats and dead bodies. Cleaning them prevented Plague spread as there are no fleas.