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Q: Did the steam engine lead the the modern engines?
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Did the steam engine lead to other inventions?

yes modern steam engines

On trains with multiple engines is there an engineer on each engine?

In the days of steam engines each engine had its own crew, engineer, fireman and usually brakeman. Diesel engines have only one engineer in the lead unit, the others are controlled from the lead engine. Even the engines in the middle or rear end of the train are controlled from the lead engine in most cases.

Why did petrol become unleaded?

To lessen lead pollution. In the old days, the lead in gasoline was used to help lubricate the engine components that came in contact with it. Modern engines no longer need it as a lubricant.

Why are train helper engines reverse of the lead engine?

They are not always reverse.

How did ths steam engine affect America?

when the steam engine was invented it helped get make everything easy to load and take heavy items to were tthey belon and also having the steam engine lead to the train for faster transportation

Who won the race between the horse and the steam engine?

According to research online, the horse took the lead initially, then the steam engine caught up and took the lead, only to lose the race when mechanical problems ensued.

What did the internal combustion engine lead to the development of?

The automotive industry was the net result of the internal combustion engine, because the engine addressed the deficiencies of external combustion engines for road vehicles. The steam engine was the precursor to gas-fired piston engines (1860s), and the invention of the diesel internal combustion engine by Rudolf Diesel, a German scientist, in 1897. An early gasoline engine was built by Wilhelm Maybach in 1890. To this day, the basic form of the engine remains the same, although with many innovations to improve performance and efficiency.

Does Lead react with steam?

Yes, lead does not react with steam. Lead is a fairly unreactive metal and does not undergo any significant chemical reaction with steam.

Why did James Watt invent steam engines?

because he was bored, i guess...? He did not invent steam engines, he did however make very important adjustments and additions to them. He was a person who was in a field of instrument making and repair (such as scientific and mathematical instruments, now all replaced by computers I assume) this is why when he was in the University of Cardiff, working in his workshop there, he was requested to try and fix one of Thomas Newcomens steam engines, perhaps not an instrument but he was a technician, and living during a time where professions were not as specialised as today I assume is why he still got given the duty. Because of his great opurtunity to work with one of the worlds leading machine designs at the time he was also able to understand how unefficient it was which was the reason he began thinking of ways to improve it. James Watt's steam engine was apparently 3x more efficient than Newcomen's. A rough number but it replaced nearly all of Newcomens Engines (I believe), it was far less coal Hungary and was an extremely frugal purchase, at the time mainly for mine diggers. So to some up he 'improved' Thomas Newcomen's steam engine because they were unefficient, it was he who did this because he was in a professional field which lead to a steam engine finding him and he could not refuse the chance of workign on one.

Why is there lead in petrol?

Lead was added to petrol as an anti-knock agent to improve engine performance. It prevented engine knocking or pinging, which is a metallic pinging noise that can occur in an engine when fuel ignites unevenly. Lead was phased out of petrol due to its harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Do Saturn cars burn oil?

If engine fluids have not been maintained properly it may lead to oil burning, but that's true of all vehicle engines.

Why do you use oil in your engines?

For lubrication. Steel on steel would cause friction with would lead to heat which would cause seizing of parts and destroy the engine.