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Q: Did the spinning jenny lead to any other inventions?
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What did the power loom lead to?

The power loom led to other inventions such as the spinning jenny and the spinning mule.

What was the spinning jenny made out of?

it was made out of wood and the inventor got the idea from his daughter when she knocked over the wheel from there spinning wheel and the wheel kept on going so this lead to the spinning jenny its just like a spinning wheel it just dose more thread at once and its faster and it was a times saver back in the 1700s or 1800s

Who invented the spinning machine?

The spinning machine or the Spinning Jenny was a spinning wheel which ran eight spools at a time. It was invented by James Hargreaves, but his failure to get the device patented lead to another person, Richard Arkwright, claiming the invention.

What positive effects has the spinning jenny had on the workers and owners?

A positive impact is that the spinning jenny could make clothes faster and easier, by making multiple spools of yarn at a time. positive benefits was it will lead to mass production of textiles. This should lower the price to consumers.

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What other inventions did the airplane lead to?

the rocket ship

Did dynamite lead to any other inventions?

The Safety Helmet

Did the light bulb lead to any other inventions?

Yes it did.

Did the tv lead to any other inventions?

Yes it lead to the discovery of computers and videogame consoles

What are the innovation in textiles?

Spinning is the basis for a Textile component to develop.Flying shuttle was invented by John Kay,Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves, Water frame was invented by Richard Arkwright. These inventions lead to a Succesful Textile industry.

Did Pascals arithmetic machine lead to other inventions?

Yes. The invention of computer.

Did the steam engine lead to other inventions?

yes modern steam engines