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Yes they did

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Q: Did the slaves in Ancient Egypt dig the canals?
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Related questions

Why do people dig canals in the ground?

For transportation. It is also the best place to dig them.

Why did the Sumerian farmers dig canals?

To irrigate there farms

Why were the hand tools made?

bcos we cud not make slaves dig with their hands anymore bcos we cud not make slaves dig with their hands anymore

Where do Paleontologists Dig?

They dig in places like ancient ruins

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Where can you hear dig dig dig?

at an archeological site, where people are digging for lost, ancient treasures

How did the Egyptians protect their crops when the Nile flooded?

They would dig canals to draw away water

Where you can find the gold on ancient Egypt?

Where you can find gold in anciat Egypt is in King Tut's tumb. Sometimes, you can dig holes out in the middle of no where and if you dig for about 25-30 minutes, you will find some gold or maybe even another tumb or a famous aritfact that maybe once belonged to a villager or a king or queen that could be worth fortunes.

Did Rhode Island the colony have slaves?

they had to dig up poop from the field and yes they had slaves does that awnser your question

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Poptropica nabooti island it won't dig where the turtle was?

Get the shovel from Giza, Egypt.

What was big sam and other slaves rounded up for in the movie Gone With the Wind?

To dig military trenches. As slaves, they had little choice but to work for a victory of a the society that wanted to keep them as slaves.