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In the early 1700s, before either tribe had horses, the Piegan Blackfoot and Shoshone waged savage war on each other. Occasionally small armies of several hundred warriors were collected by both sides from many different hunting bands.

In the summer, when plenty of food supplies had been built up to feed a large war party and the women, old men and children left behind, the Piegans would march on foot led by a trusted war chief who had a powerful "medicine"; if they met a large party of Shoshones, each side would line up at some distance from each other, shelter behind the large, circular hide shields used at that time and proceed to shower the enemy line with arrows. Few casualties resulted unless one side outnumbered the other enough to make hand-to-hand combat worthwhile.

Surprise attacks on each other's hunting camps were also frequent, resulting in heavy casualties and many scalps taken. Women and children captured by either side would be adopted to replace earlier casualties, but warriors were killed.

By the 1850s both the Blackfoot tribes and the Shoshone had obtained horses and used them to wage mounted warfare on each other - using smaller shields than when they had fought on foot. In 1854 James Doty wrote that Blackfoot war parties frequently raided the Shoshone by way of a pass near the head of the Yellowstone River. The tribes had an enduring hostility towards each other.

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