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Q: Did the seven years of war affect the fur trade?
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How does affect fur trade to Indian?

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How did the fur trade wars affect the US today?

The fur trade wars had a big impact on the future of the Amercia's. The trade transformed the Amercia's into an industrialized and manufacturing society.

What trade spread across Canada making it important for 300 years?

the fur trade

How long did the fur trade lasted?

300 million years

What is a fur trade monopoly?

a fur trade monopoly is the control over fur

Why did the post office chose to recognize the fur trade in the fur trade era?

what animal were used for the fur trade?

Who was in the fur trade?

The ojibve peoples were involved in the fur trade.

Fur tradwhat is the fur trade?

The fur trade is the voyagers Carrie and ship fur to other places.

What kind of fur did the french fur traders trade?

The French fur traders had to trade for bear fur, deer skin. They had to trade theese things because they were warm

How did the Metis help the fur trade?

they helped the fur trade by translating

Who was involved in fur trade?

The ojibve peoples were involved in the fur trade.

Did leif ericson contribute to the fur trade?

No. There was no fur trade at that time.