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Yes but the firearms were extremely poor against the very modern guns and ammo,

they were using old tech not even new during our civil war,,smooth bore

long arms didn't even have a shoulder stock on them..they also did not engage

well against the new tactics..untill it turned into close combat hand fighting they were just target practice...

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

They did, introduced in 1540's by the Portuguese. Some say they were looked down upon as cowardly by the samurai due to their ease of use, and in turn use by commoners for quickly building armies, others say they were used but not very detailed on how widespread they were.

One of the links below states that samurai didn't use guns because they were cowardly is a misconception. However, it goes into detail how armies used them, and not necessarily samurai besides mentioning that samurai were trained in guns more extensively than the foot soldiers, but that should be a given anyways.

Click on the links below for more information.

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