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Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

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12y ago

Yes, the Roman army had a cavalry which consisted of auxiliaries and some Romans who could stay on a horse. The cavalry was an integral part of the legion, both in battle and in scouting. The cavalry units were always led by Roman officers.

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What was the most important thing that made the roman empire great?

Romes geography, government, virtue, trade, building, and military all worked torward making it possibly the greatest empire ever.

Is the roman army the largest army ever?

You cannot compare ancient armies to modern ones because food technology and transportation improvements have allowed for larger fielded and standing armies.The Roman army of the past would be very smallcomparedto the industrial global armiesof today or even the professional standing armies of the late colonial times.In Ancient times (before the middle ages) the Roman Empire did field some of the largest armies and had one of the largest standing military of its era.

Was there ever a 6 star US Army officer?


Was there ever a woman to be a general of an army?

Joan of Arc.....

Did the Romans ever invade Scandinavia?

No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.No, the Romans never occupied Scandinavia, but they knew of the ancient Vikings and some of them even hired on as mercenaries in the Roman army. Roman artifacts have been found in Norse graves, indicating a contact.

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