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Hence the word renaissance meaning rebirth, u do the math

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Q: Did the rinaissance era occur after the medieval period?
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Did The Renaissance era occurred after the Medieval period?


During the medieval era the model for much romanesque architecture was?

During the medieval period the main style of architecture was Gothic.

What is the meaning of Richards during the Medieval time?

If you mean the surname "Richards", it did not exist during the medieval period. It developed after the medieval era as a short version of "Richard's son" or "son of Richard".

What era did they burn Witches?

In the medieval era. At least it is most common known to be in the medieval era.

When did the permian period occur?

The Permian period lasted from 290 to 248 million years ago and was the last period of the Paleozoic Era.

How is the Elizabethan Era different from the Medieval Era?

During the Medieval era, feudalism was very much a part of life in England and the rest of Europe. During the Elizabethan Era, there was no feudalism, and a wage economy was in operation. The Elizabethan Period was the period of renaissance in England with a great flowering of the arts including writing, art, and architecture. It was also an age of exploration and expanding the country. During the Medieval times, the Church had tremendous power, and most people still considered the world to be flat.

What id another term used to describe the middles ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

What is premodern era?

The premodern era typically refers to the period of time before the modern era, which usually includes the Middle Ages and earlier. It is characterized by factors such as small-scale societies, traditional economies, and the dominance of monarchies or feudal systems. This era was marked by limited technological advancements and a strong influence of religion on society.

What was in the themometers in the Middle Ages?

There were no thermometers in the medieval period. The earliest ones were developed around 1600 (well into the modern era of history).

What are the autobiographies of the medieval period?

A good example is the well known Joan of Arch biography. It takes place during the medieval period and most of the medieval autobiographys was done to the martyrs of that era. In the related links box below, I posted a link very usefull to understand this subject. Check it out for more information.

What do you call the period of the European history between ancient and modern eras?

If you assume that the Ancient Era ended with the sacking of Rome and the Modern Era began with the Rennaissance, then the period in between was the Medieval or "Dark" Ages. Dark because of the lack of written records from that period due to the low levels of literacy.