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Q: Did the revolt in Santo Domingo end France's plans in the Louisiana Territory?
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Slave revolt in haiti?

It Made Napoleon willing to sell the Louisiana territory.

Where did slave revolt took place here forcing napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory to the US?

The slave revolt in Haiti.

What did the The slave revolt in Haiti do?


What did the slave revolt in haiti do?

Made Napoleon willing to sell the Louisiana Territory.

What did the slave revolt in Haiti?


The slave revolt in Haiti:?

Made Napoleon willing to sell the Louisiana Territory. (apex)

Who was the leader to a slave revolt in santo domingo?


Who was a ex slave who led a revolt in Santo Domingo?

His name is Tousaint L'Overture

What country owned the the Louisiana territory and why did it want to sell it?

Well technically the Louisiana Territory was under the power of Spain during the time of the Louisiana Purchase, but was owned by France (Power transfer was still being negotiated.) Napoleon, with war imminent, a slave revolt in Haiti, low resources, and bankruptcy on the horizon, took the opportunity to sell something he thought he had no use for in order to raise funds. Napoleon Bonaparte of France sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803 for 15 million dollars, or 3 cents per acre.

Who was forced to abandon plans for an American empire because of a revolt in santo domingo in 1802?

Naponelon Bonaparte

What did Napoleon sell when the French failed to take back Saint-Domingue?

Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the nascent United States when he failed to take back Saint-Domingue from the Haitian slave revolt.

How is the Bear Flag Revolt relate to the war with Mexico?

They gained territory