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It made it more like Willow Smith so it could whip its hair

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Q: Did the reforms of Solon and Cleisthenes tend to make Athens more democratic or autocratic?
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What influenced pericles?

Pericles had been educated by some of the leading philosophers of his day. Pericles was strongly influenced by Aspasia, a female philosopher and courtesan from Miletus, who lived in Athens, Greece. He was also influenced by his great uncle, Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes had given Athens its first democratic constitution. Pericles was determined to continue the reforms of his great uncle and serve his city-state by making it more democratic than ever.

What political reforms did cleisthenes make in Athens?

reforms:citizens required to educate their sons , boys had to attend privet schools,had to study:writing,mathematics,and music

Where was cleisthenes born?

Cleisthenes was an Athenian nobleman. He was born in Athens and grew up in Athens. He helped reform the constitution of Athens.

Who was the father of greek democracy?

Cleisthenes of ancient Athens is considered the founder of democracy

Why were the Democratic reforms of Solon more important than the constitutional reforms of Cleisthenes for the common people in Ancient Athens?

Solon's reforms were mainly aimed at ending the social turmoil in oligarchic Athens - getting rid of debt-slavery and absolute aristocratic control. It was a compromise which did not solve the problem of power, and could not last, so the common people supported a tyrant to act on their behalf and enforce their rights. After getting tired of the tyrants, they supported Cleisthenes who established an assembly where the people could actually vote on what they wanted, rather than putting up with what a Council or Tyrant thought was good or sufficient for them. So Cleisthenes' reforms were far more important than those of Solon's settlement which was not a democracy - allowing the aristocratic Council of the Areopagus to maintain dominant power. Unfortunately the Persian War saw the return of the aristocrats who led the war effort, and retained power afterwards. It took another 20 years for Ephialtes to wrest power from the Council and re-establish democratic rule and sideline the Council again - for which they assassinated him. It was then left to his deputy, Pericles, to cement and extend Athens' democracy.

Related questions

When did Cleisthenes make sweeping democratic reforms in Athens?

507 BCE.

What did cleisthenes not do after his reforms in Athens?

he died

Who introduced the democratic principles to Athens?

Cleisthenes - By setting up a constitution

Who was the ruler that brought Athens a democratic government?

Cleisthenes in 508 BCE.

Who was Cleisthenes?

Cleisthenes (c. 570-508 BC) was a noble and politician of Athens who helped to establish its democratic procedures. He was the son of Megacles and his brother was the grandfather of Pericles of Athens.

What influenced pericles?

Pericles had been educated by some of the leading philosophers of his day. Pericles was strongly influenced by Aspasia, a female philosopher and courtesan from Miletus, who lived in Athens, Greece. He was also influenced by his great uncle, Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes had given Athens its first democratic constitution. Pericles was determined to continue the reforms of his great uncle and serve his city-state by making it more democratic than ever.

Who is the reformer who helped form the democracy of Athens?

Cleisthenes began the democratic reforms in Athens in 508 BCE. This was advance by Ephialtes in 460 BCE when he removed aristocratic control which had re-established itself during the Persian War, and when he was assassinated his deputy Pericles took over and finished the job.

How did Cleisthenes change athenian governments?

Cleisthenes was an Alcmeonid aristocrat who was politically active in Athens during the 6th century. Cleisthenes' reforms took power away from aristocratic families and replaced regional loyalties with pan-Athenian solidarity. These reforms eliminated the need, and therefore the possibility, for another Tyrant to keep the aristocrats in check.

What political reforms did cleisthenes make in Athens?

reforms:citizens required to educate their sons , boys had to attend privet schools,had to study:writing,mathematics,and music

What are some of the democratic reforms made during the golden age of Athens?

The pericles

Who was father of democracy in Athens?

Cleisthenes in 508 BCE.

How did cleisthenes reforms give people more power?

In 500 B.C., two leaders made reforms that gave people more power.These leaders were Solon and Cleisthenes .In Athens,many poor people owned more money than they could repay,Because of this,they were forced to become slaves.