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Q: Did the proclamation lead to a lasting peace between the British colonists and the native Americans?
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How was Pontiac's rebellion resolved?

The Pontiac's rebellion was the bloodiest and deadliest war between the colonists and Native Americans. The British government issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which created a boundary between colonists and Indians.

Why was the proclamation of 1763 put into place by the British after the french and Indian war?

One of the primary sources of antagonism between the Native Americans and the British Colonists was the continued Colonist expansion into Native American lands. Seeing the near-inevitability of a conflict between the Native Americans and the Colonists in the near future that Britain had neither the money or will to fight, the British restricted Colonial settlement to east of Appalachian Mountains. This restriction was issued in the Proclamation of 1763.

What happened during Pontiac's War?

Illinois country and Ohio country were fighting so Royal Proclamation 1763 created a boundary between colonists and Native Americans.

What was the relationship between the British and the Americans?

48% of the colonists were English.

What effects did the proclamation have in the life of the British colonists?

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 created a boundary line between the British colonies on the Atlantic coast and American Indian lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. British colonists were forbidden to move beyond the line and settle on native lands.

How might the outcome influence relations between the British and Americans colonists?


What was not a reason King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763?

to prevent more wars between the colonists and the native americans.

The proclamation of 1763 marked the beginning of the political dispute between which two groups of people?

The two groups that were sepperated by the proclamation line of 1763 were the American Indians and the British.

Why were the British troops stationed in the British colonies after 1763?

To keep peace between the colonists and the Native Americans.

How did the British government try to end and the fighting between the native Americans and the colonists?

By signing a peace treaty with the native Americans

How did the British government try to end the fighting between the native Americans and the colonists?

By signing a peace treaty with the native Americans

Who won the Revolutionary War in America between the British and the colonists?

The Americans...which became the United States.