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I believe that they had cyanide in their possesion.

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Q: Did the pilots who dropped the atomic bomb on japan have suicide pills?
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What was the nickname of the b-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on japan?

The B-29's name was Enola Gay (named after the pilots mother)

What City in japan on which the first atomic was dropped?

Hiroshima Japan

Was atomic bomb dropped?

Yes but in Japan.

Where was the atomic bomb dropped Where was the atomic bomb dropped?

It was dropped by the United States by orders of President Truman over Hiroshima, Japan.

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The second - of two - atomic bombs dropped on Japan was dropped on August 9th, 1945 on Nagasaki.

Why did the Japan drop the atomic bombs on us?

Japan never dropped the atomic bomb on anyone. They did not have that technology.

What was the year that the Atomic Bomb was dropped on Japan?

In 1945 two atomic weapons were used against Japan .

What was the atomic bomb on japan?

The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan were "Little Boy," dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and "Fat Man," dropped on Nagaski on August 9, 1945.

Where the atomic bomb dropped in World War 2?

It was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

Where were the atomic bombs dropped on japan?

They were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Did the pilots of the Atomic bomb change their mind?

No. The pilots of both aircraft used in the atomic bombing of Japan have repeatedlly stated that they understood the necessity of their missions, and did not regret them.

What kind of bombs were dropped in japan?

The atomic bomb.