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Taking the question simply as it is asked - - the answer is, no.

* One crewman, a Major Ferebee ihad a nervous breakdown after the war, he was the bombardier who actually released the bomb and all the havoc this raised. * The craft's Command Pilot, Colonel Tibbets, died of natural causes a few years ago. It is true that psychiatric casualties ran high among Bomber crews owing to destruction of civil or noncombatant targets. It should be understood ( this was misrepresented in the film about the misson (Above and Beyond) that the target, Hiroshima, offered no resistance by flak or fighter intercepts.

Additionally, no member of the crew of the Enola Gay received the Congressional Medal of Honor as suggested in Above and Beyond.

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Major Charles W. Sweeney flew B-29 "Bock's Car" on August 9, 1945 and dropped the "Fat Man" plutonium bomb on Nagasaki. He died at age 84, on July 15, 2004, in Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Co-pilot that day was Charles Albury, who died at age 88, on May 23, 2009, at a hospital in Orlando, Florida, having suffered from congestive heart failure for several years.

The bombardier on the mission was Kermit Beahan, who died at age 70 on March 10, 1989. In 1985 he was quoted as saying he would never apologize for the bombing.

Sweeney was the commander of the only bombing squadron in the 509th Composite Group, the 393rd Bombing Squadron, which was the only nuclear bombing unit. Bock's Car was a B-29 usually flown by the crew of Major Frederick C. Bock. Bock died at age 81, August 25, 2000.

Colonel Paul Tibbets commanded the 509th Composite Group. He flew the first atomic mission, dropping the Little Boy uranium bomb on Hiroshima. In a broadcast interview, replying to a question about his feelings about the bombing, he stated "I never lost a minute's sleep over it". Tibbets died at age 92, on November 1, 2007. In his will he specified that there should be no funeral service for him, nor any grave marker, to prevent his grave site from becoming a pilgrimage destination for anti-nuclear protesters.

Tibbet's co-pilot aboard B-29 Enola Gay on the August 6 Hiroshima mission was Captain Robert A. Lewis. Lewis died at age 65, June 18, 1983.

The bombardier on the Hiroshima mission was Charles Ferrebee. The last I definitely knew of him he was living in Florida, but I believe I recall reading that he had died.

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Q: Did the pilot who dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan commit suicide?
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The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945. The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, on August 9, 1945.

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What do you mean, "leader"? Harry Truman was president of the US when both the first and second atomic bombs were dropped. The commander of the aircraft the "second" bomb (actually the third detonated, but the second to be "dropped" since the first was a test explosion and was not dropped but rather mounted on a tower) was dropped from was Major Charles W. Sweeney.

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