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Q: Did the pilgrims thank the Indians?
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Related questions

How do Indians and pilgrims get along?

The indians hunt the food and the pilgrims cook and feed the food to the pilgrims and the indians.

What was the tribe of Indians that helped the pilgrims?

The Indians who helped the pilgrims were Wampanoag.

Did any pilgrims marry any Indians?

Yes pilgrims did marry Indians.

Did the pilgrims find the Indians or did the Indians find the pilgrims?

The Pilgrims were the newcomers in the "New World". The "Indians" or native people were already here. I guess you could say the Pilgrims came here and found the "Indians" who were already here.

What people did the pilgrims thank for helping them survive their first winter?

im pretty sure they thanked the indians. Im not sure which ones it is currently

What was the pilgrims and Indians looking for?

Indians were looking for peyote and apparently the pilgrims were looking to exterminate the indian race.

Who did the pilgrims eat with?

the pilgrims ate with Indians and other people.

Who is a better representation for thanksgiving pilgrims or Indians?

Indians because at first the pilgrims just came and invaded there land when the Indians were living there peaceful

Did pilgrims or puritans make friends with Wampanoag Indians Squanto and Samoset?


Did Indians eat pilgrims?


Did the pilgrims make friends with the Indians?

Yes, this is where Pilgrims got lots of plants. The Indians got cattle from the Europeans.

Have the Indians ever been mean to the pilgrims?

yes, the pilgrims stol from them.