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Yes, yes it did (: According to my AP Us History text book (:

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Q: Did the passage of the first ten amendments to the constitution demonstrate the fedralist determination to develop a powerful central government?
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Which branch of government introduces amendments to the constitution?

the supreme court

What puts explicit limits on the power of the federal government?

The US Constitution and its Amendments

How are the amendments categorized?

In the US Constitution, the structure of the powers of Federal Government were set forth. The amendments to guarantee individual rights are found in the section called the Bill of Rights.

What are the effects on the constitutional amendments?

In speaking about the US Constitution, the amendments in the Bill of Rights were meant to guarantee that the Federal government did nothing to subvert the rights of citizens and of the US States.

Do the first ten amendments bills of rights bind the states?

The states created the Bill of Rights to limit the FEDERAL government. Later amendments apply some of the Constitution to state and local governments.

Related questions

How can our government add changes to the constitution?

by making the amendments

Which branch of government proposes amendments to the US Constitution?


Which branch of government introduces amendments to the constitution?

the supreme court

What gave individual citizens rights that cannot be taken away by the government?

The Bill of Rights, which was the first amendments to the constitution.

What document gives the plan for the federal government?

The United States Constitution outlines the structure of the United States government

What puts explicit limits on the power of the federal government?

The US Constitution and its Amendments

What were the amendments and why did anti-federalists think they were needed?

The amendments are a change or minor improvement within the government. They believed that the power of the states would be destroyed by the new Constitution.

Why were the first ten amendments to the constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

What aspect of the constitution offer a way for Americans to shape up their government when conditions change?

Article V of the Constitution allows for amendments to the Constitution as a means to change it. Currently a total of 27 amendments have been approved, with the last one being in 1992 limiting congressional pay raises.

The most important effect of the constitutional amendments has been to?

The most important effect of constitutional amendments is to change or update the fundamental principles and structures of a country's government. These amendments help ensure that the constitution remains relevant and responsive to the changing needs of society over time.

What is different about the amendments in the US Constitution and the amendments in the NC Constitution?

The US constitution mandates the entire country, it was created y our founding fathers, and cvers the federal government. The NC constitution is just north Carolina. It is suboordinate to the us constitution =, created by legislators of north caolina. And it controls the state run government

How has the constitution been amended to expand the amount of people who are involved in government and how has the constitution been reinterpreted to expand the rights of the people?

The Constitution has been amended by adding the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) and adding amendments 11-27.