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Q: Did the nomands live in temporary homes?
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they live in tepeys igluse and under ground forts

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ehh man uhmm i think they live over there lmfao

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"Yes, there are loans for temporary homes. However, getting one requires some information such as how long you've been working in a job."

Were Inca nomads living in temporary homes?

they were not nomads.

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they lives with your momma

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They mainly live in houses created of bent over twigs and branches these twigs are then covered in bark and grass but these homes are only temporary as Bushmen move around frequently.

Were these shoshone temporary or permanent homes?

I think t it permanet

Is that true that nomands occupied 20 percent of earth?

No, it is not true.

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they live in homes

Do you live alone in your homes?

no Buddhism do not live alone in homes