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Q: Did the navy draft during Vietnam?
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What was the draft system?

During the Vietnam war , the U.S.a used the draft system, that is you could be drafted into the army, navy or air force.

Did the US draft the youth to Vietnam during the Vietnam War?


What impacts did Vietnam have on America?

During the war it was (Draft) protests and (Draft) riots.

Who was president during the draft of the Vietnam war?


When Was the Last War Draft?

The first US draft was during the US Civil War (1861-1865); the last US draft was during the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

My brother was drafted during the Vietnam war into the armywhen he reported to be sworn in he was taken out of the army line and sent to the marinesThis was illegal How can i prove this?

That's how the Marines got their men, in some cases. The Navy and Air Force could draft men too; but during Vietnam they didn't have to, there was a waiting list to join the Navy & Air Force.

How the draft impacted men during the Vietnam War?

A few rejected the draft and headed for Canada.

What was Jimmy Carter's first act as President?

He granted amnesty to Americans who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War

What were the exemptions for the military draft during the Vietnam War?

College students were the number 1 draft deferments.

What happened to college students during Vietnam?

They were drafted.

How did North and South enlisted their armies during the Civil War?

by slavery. they did the same for ww1, ww2, and Vietnam. its called the draft.

Radical protestors during the Vietnam ear often burned what?

There draft cards