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Q: Did the men who sailed with Columbus believe the earth was flat?
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Why did Columbus sail on his journey?

He sailed because: 1st: to show people that the earth is not flat AND 2nd:cause there wasn't any submarines at their times

Did most of the educated people in Columbus and rsquo time thing the earth was flat?

No, most educated people in Columbus's time did not believe the Earth was flat. By the 15th century, ancient Greek scholars had already proven that the Earth was a sphere. Columbus's challenge was not convincing people the Earth was round, but rather estimating its size and the distance to Asia.

Why did Columbus think that the earth was flat?

He didn't. It was well-known at the time of Columbus that the earth is round.

What shape did renaissance people think the earth was?

Round. Most people by the time of Columbus did not believe the Earth was flat, despite what some history books will tell you.

Why did christopher Columbus think that thhe earth is square?

Columbus never believed the earth was square, in fact, the myth was that he believed the earth was flat. However, in truth, Columbus did not believe the earth was flat. Ancient Greek mathematicians, Pythagoras and Aristotle, proved the earth was spherical in shape based on the shadow of the earth on the moon and the curvature of the earth when approaching land. Columbus falsely believed he could reach Asia by going west because he underestimated the circumference of the earth, and also believed Europe was wider than it was.

What idea did Columbus prove wrong?

The earth is flat

What idea did Columbus's voyage prove wrong.?

The earth is flat

What made christopher Columbus believe the earth was flat then round?

when columbus sees the ocean the water the ocean and the sky meet so he thought if you go to the end of the ocean you will off the earth It is a myth that any educated person thought the Earth was flat. Scholars knew about the curve of the Earth long before Columbus. They also knew the circumference of the Earth. That is why they argued against the voyage: he could not reach China before his crew starved. What they did not reckon on was a whole continent in between. Columbus just got lucky.

Did Columbus think the earth was round?

He didn't. It was well-known at the time of Columbus that the earth is round.

Who found out the world was not flat?

Hundreds of years ago peoplebelieved that the Earth was completely flat and if you sailed to far then you would fall of the edge, a little like disc-world in the Terry Pratchett books. But with danger comes bravery, and soon enough brave explorers travelled the world in search of the edge and realised it was in a sphere shape. Until recently when we went into space we had no idea exactly what our Earth looked like.

Most of the people in Columbus time thought the earth was flat?


What did Columbus go through to prove the earth was round?

I have no Idea man. Or Girl, whatever you are. JK!! He sailed across the world with his crew and didn't fall of the earth, he went forward and back. Sorry about the start.