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No, they did not. They favored liberty and freedom for all, protected by a Constitution of absolute government limits and lead by leaders who were elected, not coronated. The founding fathers limited the democratic process and who could vote to just land owners in the beginning. It was only later, through many years and many suffrage movements, that most other people got the right to vote. The real defect in the democratic system occurs when we confuse the procedure of democracy (only good for electing our leaders) with the idea of democracy as a system of government. The founders adopted the democratic system as a procedure to give themselves a Republic, which would ensure the preservation of liberty, freedom and the right to seek happiness.

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The founding fathers and mothers created a representative republic, based on the ideals of democracy.

That is, the Congressmen and women represent us, the people, and make decisions that they feel we want done. (Otherwise, they probably won't be re-elected)

A democracy is like two wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for dinner. You can see that might not work so well for the sheep.

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