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Q: Did the egyptians remove the heart of the dead body?
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Why do the Egyptians take all the parts of the human body out except the heart?

Because all Egyptians believe that the heart means Intelligence and the dead body will need it in heaven.

What did the Egyptians apply to the dead body?

The Egyptians gave the body little stones

What did the Egyptians consider more important the Herat or the brain?

The heart. When embalming a dead body, the heart would also be embalmed, but the brain would be discarded.

What was the trial a soul had to go through to enter the kingdom of the dead for ancient egyptians?

u had to die and meet Anubis to see if ur heart and body where werth being dead

Why did the Egyptians not want the body to decay?

The Egyptians believed that a dead person's body must not decay. Other a person could not enjoy the afterlife.

What did the ancient Egyptians do with the heart after it was removed?

They leave it inside the dead body because they thought it was the most important thing in the human body . They thought this because they knew that once your heart stopped beating then you where dead. They kept it inside though because they thought it would begin beating after you got the the afterlife. Hope this helped!

Why do the Egyptians preserved the bodies of their dead?

Mummification is like the modern day practice of embalming. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died your soul was taken before Anubis the god of Embalming and your heart would then be weighed against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of justice. If your heart was lighter than the feather your heart was sent back to your body and your soul would travel to heaven. If your heart was heavier than the feather it was devoured by the demon Ammit, the destroyer. Whilst it all the god Thoth recorded the events.

Why the Egyptians weigh the heart?

The Egyptians weighed the heart of a dead person to see if they were good or bad and if they were good they would be granted a place in the afterlife paradise and if they were bad then the monster of three different animals Aamett, eat their heart.

Why did the leave the heart in the body?

The Ancient Egyptians left the heart in the body so that it could be weighed in the afterlife by the god Anubis. It was to be weighed against the feather of truth to determine whether the deseased lived a good life and was able to procide into the afterlife. If the feather and the heart were balanced the deseased would go to live in the afterlife. If they didn't balance, the heart was fed to Ammit, the Devourer of the Dead. The deseased would go no further. Also because the Egyptians believed that the heart was the center of the body. That's also why they took out the brain.

What are Egyptian mummies made out of?

The Egyptians participated in the practice of preserving the dead also known as mummification which is where we get the word "mummy". They would remove the internal organs and preserve the body with bandages.

Why did ancient egyptians leave the heart in the bodies of the dead?

They believed that the heart contained the soul. The brain was removed as being of no consequence or value.

Why did the Egyptians mumyify the dead?

They did it so the body could live with the soul in the after life