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Yes, the bomb costed 2,000,000,000$. This seems alot but in comparison to that 9 days of war cost the same ammount. So the money used on the bomb would have been used up in 18 days of war which is two weeks. Without the bomb the war would have gone on for months.

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Yes, but for the most part it just saved Japan from overpopulation.

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Q: Did the dropping of the atomic bomb save money?
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How much money did America save by dropping the atomic bomb on japan instead of going into battle?

Answer One reason for using the atomic bomb was to shorten the war and save the lives of American and also Japanese soldiers who would die in the invasion. How do you put a price tag on lives???????????

Did Truman save lives during the atomic bomb?

He did.

Was the choice to drop the atomic bomb on Japan hard for Harry S. Truman?

No he thought it was the best solution and would save millions of american lives, along with the lives of allied troops. He fully supported the idea of dropping the bomb fully.

Pluses on dropping the atomic bomb on japan?

We had a unit on this subject in American history. The reason we dropped the bomb on japan was to end the war quickly and to save as many soldier casualties as possible. In my opinion it was a bad idea for it killed many more this way.

How did the atomic bomb save Japanese lives?

It prevented an American invasion.

Why did America want to save Americans lives by dropping atomic bombs?

To avoid an invasion of Japan

Who dropped atomic bomb on japan to save American lives?

No One.Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941. The atomic bomb was invented in 1945. By this time there was no threat to Pearl Harbor.

The cause of dropping the atomic bomb?

An attempt (right or wrong) to save Allied lives by unleashing a weapon so terrible that the Japanese would surrender immediately, rather than fight inch by inch to the death - which was the US experience at that time.

What is a reason given to use the atomic bomb against Japan?

Using the atomic bomb would ultimately save more American lives by making a full-scale land invasion unnecessary.

How did the dropping of the atomic bomb end the war?

The dropping of the two atomic bombs and the armed forces of Russia being near Japan motivated the Emperor of Japan to finally surrender. The Emperor realized that his country could be annihilated into oblivion if the Allied Forces invaded Japan. He had no idea the US had no more atomic bombs, but he did assume it.

Should Truman have dropped the bomb?

Most people think so. Even the Japanese were grateful for the bomb because they were so tired of the war. President Truman believed the bomb will end the war sooner and save a lot of lives.

How was dropping the a-bomb supposed to save lives?

It kept the Allies from having to invade Japan which would have resulted in an estimated one million casualties .