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no there was no trial

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8mo ago

Opinions on whether the defendants received a fair trial in the Boston Massacre vary. Some argue that the trial was fair because the defense was able to present evidence and witnesses, and the jury acquitted two of the defendants. Others believe the trial was biased, as it took place during a period of intense anti-British sentiment, and the defense attorneys faced hostility from the public and the jury.

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Q: Did the defendants get a fair trial in the Boston massacre?
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C. A Fair Trial

John Adams and the Boston Massacre?

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John Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers accused of shooting the colonist in the Boston Massacre. He won the case too.

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it ensures that defendants are not subjected to a unreasonably lengthy incarceration prior to a fair trial

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I think because they believed strongly in the concept of a fair trial. Adams' diary entry suggests that. You can read it on the site below. In fact, these two individuals were lawyers from Boston.

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Judge Webster Thayer presided over the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and was later criticized for displaying bias against the defendants, as well as for failing to provide a fair trial. Many believe he allowed his personal prejudice and anti-immigrant sentiments to influence his decision-making during the trial.

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Chief among them are several Amendments to the US Constitution which address this very subject, AND many decision of the US and State Supreme Courts which protect defendants under certain specified circumstances.

What was one step John Adams followed defending the British in the Boston Massacre trial?

one thing is that he remembered he could as very well get in ALOT of trouble if the patriots won and he did think that it wasn't fair to the British for defending themselves and their was a thing that said you could defend yourself if needed

What was the long term effects of the desicion in Sheppard v Maxwell?

The long term effects of the decision in Sheppard v Maxwell include establishing the right to a fair trial in high-profile cases and emphasizing the importance of preventing media bias that could influence jurors. This case also highlighted the role of the judiciary in ensuring defendants receive a fair and impartial trial.

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right to a fair trial presumption of innocence