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No, the Framers created a republic, not a democracy.

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A little of both. However, the created a balance between the two through the system of checks and balances.

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Q: Did the constitution create a democracy or a republic?
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The Constitution created a system of government?

epresentative democracy, known as a Republic

How many time is the word democracy appear in the constitution?

Zero, the U.S is a Republic not a Democracy.

How did the constitution create a republican government?

In short, the constitution is the law of the land, and establishes rules and regulations of what the government can and cannot do. In a Democracy, the source of power comes from the people. In a Republic, the source of power comes from the law, or in this case, the constitution.

Did the framers of the Constitution created a system of a government based on the principles of direct democracy?

NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.

What is a simple definition for constitutional republic?

A representative democracy founded in a Constitution.

Did the constitutional delegates favor democracy or republic?

They did favor Republic. That's why neither in Decleration of Independence or The constitution itslef the word Democracy is never mentioned .

What word does not appear in the constitution?

The fault everyone makes is that they think America is a democracy, when it is in fact a republic hence the word democracy does not appear in the constitution

What was the Name of the form of government the framers of the American constitution agreed to create?

The form of government the framers of the Constitution agreed to create republic

Is the US a democracy why or why not?

In a democracy you have majority rules. The can make whatever law they want because they have no constitution or charter to limit them. The USA doesn't have a democracy. It has a federal constitutional republic which is supposed to rule based on the constitution. It's meant to be limited by what the constitution allows.

Who has a federal parliamentary democracy republic?

In a country, the people and the government have power to create their system to be good. In that system must include human right and guaranteed in the highest law named constitution. Therefore, the government and it people have constitutional democracy.

What are two characteristics of Federalists?

supported constitution and they helped create democracy

Did the framers help to create the US government?

A democratic republic - a government in which voters elect representatives to do the every day business of government and decision making.